
2 minute read

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20 (NASB)

We have some amazing youth at First Baptist Richmond, I must say.  Bart asked a few questions this evening as our time was ending.  The first I had planned for, since we had spoken about it a few minutes before.  Initially, he asked me "if you could ask God for anything, and knew He would give it to you, what would you ask for?"  That question was easy, or so I thought.  I know some would have jumped at the chance to ask for something or someone in this life, or perhaps tomorrow's winning lottery numbers in jest, but I knew I would want to ask neither of those.  I'd ask for the plans: those things that would both bring me the greatest joy and give God the greatest glory.  A life in which I'm not constantly discerning God's will for my life, but knowing 1) that I know what I'm supposed to do and 2) that I'd be already there.

After everyone arrived and settled, Bart dropped one word that completely changed the intent and depth of the question:

If you could directly ask God anything, and you knew He would answer you, what would you ask?

So, what would you ask?  What would I ask?  Remember back to Genesis, where God is walking in the garden with Adam and Eve; face-to-face discussions with God.  One student asked the question that just amazed me.  She said that she'd ask how God began, if He could explain it in terms we could understand.  We've been taught that God always existed and will exist, and that He is outside our time, but what's His story?  Can you imagine that kind of chat, sitting in rocking chairs on the back porch of God's house, staring into the sunset, learning about Him?

The second, however, took me by surprise, and it immediately brought a lot to mind even though it seemed nearly impossible to answer.

If God were to directly ask you one question right now, what would He ask of you?

My first thought was, what have you been doing with the time I gave you? Or, why don't you trust Me? Or... The list goes on.  Now, looking back at the first question and answer, I'm starting to think I may already know what that plan is; or at least the direction.  Jesus' call in Matthew 28 is a homing beacon to both questions.  Over the next few months, I need to refocus on Jesus' call to us as Christians, knowing that I want to find the place that best serves Him and gives joy.  It isn't easy, and hasn't been over the past few years, but I know there's a place that my abilities and talents will directly serve to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.

